

you’re looking for a coach. I’m looking for an athlete. well, isn’t that perfect.

how much is this gonna cost?
are you the right coach for me?
do I have to do leg day?

book a consult or pick a plan. we’ll go from there.

You’ve got questions.

I’ve got answers.

Fast is a


you’re not an olympian? me neither.

My marathon PR is 3:27, not 2:27. I broke 20 in the 5k, only because my dog pulled me down the canyon. I broke 6 in the mile, only because there was beer at the finish. for most of us, the point of running isn’t to be the best of all time. It’s to be the best we can be. and have fun along the way.

“speed is a number, fast is a feeling.” Saw this on a tee. now it’s my motto.

as a coach, my job is to help you find your fast. to find your best running self. to find balance: when to dig in, when to step back; when to puff up your chest, when to bow down; when to hammer like hell, when to wait.

I’m honored to be your guide.

Street cred

I ran my fastest 5k and 10k in one season. Always motivated, never bored with coach lauren
— Sara
Coach Lauren took me from a non-runner to the top 18 fastest man in Charlotte in 8 weeks.
— Sean
Lauren is knowledgeable, encouraging, and knows exactly how to push me
— Brittany